Christmas Tree Disposal Tips in Denver for Cornerstone Apartments

Christmas tree disposal tips & recycling drop-off locations

Christmas tree disposal tips & recycling drop-off locations

In the wake of the Holidays, a few things remain consistent — tradition, even: a fridge full of leftovers, probably too many sweets, a bunch of new stuff and a some larger-than-normal trash loads. And some of those things might just be one in the same.

Either way, Americans throw away 25 percent more trash between Thanksgiving and New Year’s than the rest of the year. That’s about 25 million tons of garbage within a three-month span.

Cornerstone residents can dispose of natural, real Christmas trees in their local dumpster. Some tips to getting rid of your tree at your apartment:

• “Tree removal bags” are available at many stores and help keep the job tidy
• *mic check* Keep the job tidy — please don’t drag trees through the hallway and spew pine needles everywhere
• Don’t force the tree in a full dumpster. Instead, wait for another delivery day OR
• Recycling Directory: For real, natural trees

There are a few different tree recycling opportunities around Denver throughout January. Denver Recycles’ 2020 Treecycle, the headliner of Denver tree recycling, runs from Jan. 6-17, and although Cornerstone does not utilize Denver Solid Waste Management collection services, there are free drop-off locations open through Jan. 31.

• Related Content: Recycle Holiday lights

Collected trees get turned into mulch, which will be part of the Mulch Giveaway and Compost Sale in May. In 2019, City of Denver collected more than 21,500 trees!

NOTE: these locations are accepting natural, real tress with all decorations and lights removed:

• Cherry Creek Recycling: 7354 E. Cherry Creek Drive S.
(TUES-FRI : 10 AM – 5 PM, SAT: 9 AM – 3 PM)

• Havana Nursery: 10450 Smith Rd.

• More options: Christmas tree recycling drop-off locations outside of Denver

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